The day finally came for Hunter's hog hunt in Corinne, UT. This was the hunt that Hunter won at the shoot at Sterlings upland property. Hunter has never fired a high powered rifle before. Dave let us use his .270. I took Hunter up to Bountiful range a couple times and he did ok, not a deadeye but was ok at a 100 yards...all his shots would have given up a dead animal. We got to the Sinclair in Corinne at 0930 and were met by Sterling and the guide, Lee. Dave, Tanya, Hunter, and I followed Lee to the hunting property, south and west of Corinne. We parked on the edge of the 1500 acre property and the five of us started walking into the brushy areas. Lee, the guide told us that they will let the pigs (half ferral pig, half russian boar) mate on the property and hunt them as they grow. There were two sections of property separated by the Bear river. On the other side were the big boys, up to 900 pounds. We passed some of the English and 4 horned sheep on out trek out. We walked for about an hour and saw nothing. I couldn't get used to the brush...the stuff was pretty thick and I wondered how a. you'd shoot something in that stuff and b. how the hell I'd get out of the way of a 500 pig that we happened upon! We did a loop and Lee said we would go to the other side of the property if we saw nothing. Lee then spotted these two about 200 yards away
. Sorry for the shitty pic, I zoomed in too far. We all moved up to about 75 yards away and Hunter and Dave got ready for their kills. Hunter chose the black and white hog and Dave would shoot the big brown one. I could tell Hunter was going to have a tough time. He couldn't get a good spot in the prone position and the riverside was choked with brush. I have Hunter move down about 40 yards so he was on the edge of a cut bank and could get a good prone shot. We probably should have practiced in this position, cuz' he still couldn't comfortable. So I got on my hands and knees and Hunter used my back as a rest. I kept whispering to, "you got a shot, tell me when you got a shot, tell me before you take the shot." He told me he was ready, I held my breath to give him as steady a rest as possible and he let go...BIG mistake on my part...the fucking concussion from that gun? Everything is still hollow in my left ear, ringing as I type this. As soon as Hunter took his shot, Lee told me he hit him in the stomach....great...pig shit all over our meat...Dave then took his shot, a clean head shot that dropped his hog in its tracks. We walked up and met up with Dave and Tanya. Hunter's pig was wounded good, couldn't run, so Hunter put a last shot in him. The last shot was free standing and right in the right shoulder and out the left, would have been the perfect FIRST shot.

Hunter did a great job for his first big game hunt. After all the pics the work started. Lee was great. He gutted both pigs in about 10 minutes. He scooped out the guts and threw them to the side, telling us the other pigs would take care of the gut pile...not a very comforting thought. I looked back and Hunter and he had his back to me...I thought I saw a little heave....Hunter almost lost his breakfast! I guess the gut pile was the kicker for him, his eyes were red and watery. He didn't throw up, though. Lee took the heart and tried to hand it to Hunter to take his customery bite but Hunter wasn't havin' it...he wouldn't even hold it, he just kept telling Lee, "I'm good, no, I'm good." Lee said it was the first time he'd seen someone nearly puke from the cleaning. After the gutting Lee went and got the truck. We winched up the hogs and followed him to MB Meat Packing. We ought'a be eatin' hog in a couple weeks! Awesome trip, lots of fun. Hunter did great on his first big hunt and can't wait for more!
Wow...what an experience for Hunter. Glad he was able to "keep his lunch." So if the hog was shot in the stomach, will that make a difference in the meat? Don't know about these things obviously.