Thursday, August 26, 2010

Montana in August 2010

Finally got into some fresh, Montana air couple weeks ago. I am STILL without a Utah fishing license and will continue to go without one as long as my right to fish PUBLIC water here is kept from me. 66 degrees at 1500 at Monida...we left my wifes family reunion in Inkom and it was in the mid 80's. The high in Dillon was a perfect 75!

Water on the Beaverhead was HIGH. I haven't seen Clark Canyon res this high since '92. Talked to Tim at Frontier Anglers and he said 4 lb fish are 3-5 inches shorter than average, they are all that fat and healthy. He tried talking me into fishing the Bighole as it was easier Dan and the Clacka stayed home in Salt Lake. I passed on the Bighole...Browns Bridge area was full of people and I don't like fishing the Bighole of foot. Hunter and I did drive up there but decided to stay close to Dillon. (Grandma and Grandpa's old house in Dillon has been painted since being sold...chose not to take any pics of it as I didn't need a reminder of how much I STILL feel like kicking my dad in the nuts for selling that house!) The 'Beav is getting plenty of pressure from the floaters and they are sticking a lot of pig fish. For us, though, it was tough fishing. The water was way too high for me to take Hunter to any of the places I'd normally fish this time of year. We stuck to Buffalo Bridge and the walk-in between High Bridge and Henneberry. I will admit that on the first night I casted to and hooked a MONSTER boot slut rainbow...We were walking back down river to Buffalo Bridge and I have the boot sluts at my feet, eating PMD's and caddis larvae I'm kicking up. Felt like a douche but I couldn't resist...had 5 feet of line out with a PMD colored PT Cruzer on and let it into the feeding sluts...hooked an enormous 'bow and was into my backing by the time he shook off. The next day I took Hunter into the walk-in and even there the wading was pretty sketchy. Hunter ended up catching his first fly caught fish on a #18 split case PMD emerger...He was 'estatic'! Not many hoppers on the banks due to all the water in the surrounding area. Did see a lot of Crane flies which are a kick in the pants to fish, but I think it was a little early to key on them. The high, fast water made it tough to determine where the fish were in the column and Tim gave is normal to the fish, Phil.
Sorry for this shot of Hunter but the camera got turned onto some weird settings by the little girl.
Didn't fish Poindexter...Hunter wanted to hang out at Papa T's at night a play video games. On the way out I took this pic. The parking lot had cars from PA, WA, and AZ...these guys all looked to be beating the water with 6wts! Nothing touching the surface, I'm sure these guys put the fish down on their first casts and I guessed they had no idea that fish in this stretch have PhD's in "fuck you, Mr. Fisherman."
I got this nice 'bow at Buffalo bridge on a caddis emerger the last evening. There were bugs EVERYWHERE...caddis and PMD adults enough to choke you but NO action on top, which is what I usually expect on this river.
All in all, it was a great trip. Fishing was tough, but, sheeit, I was in Montana. Will be going back up over labor day and hitting it hard again. Hopefully the water will be down a bit, hope to see some Cranes. Got some great scenery photos as well that I plan to post and paint soon, my favorite being in Monida. Until September...fuck Utah fishing for now!

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